用于将自定义表达式传递到where条件的实体框架查询的C#Linq Lambda表达式


public class BookShipment
    public ShipmentType Shipment { get; set; }
    public Books Book { get; set; }


Expression<Func<BookShipment, bool>> expr = x => (x.Shipment.ID == 1 && x.Book.ID == 1);

            var result = from c in styp
                         join d in book
                          on c.ID equals d.ID                         
                         select new BookShipment { Shipment = c, Book = d };

var List = result.Where(expr).ToList();



BookShipment table = new BookShipment();
table.Shipment = new ShipmentType();
table.Book = new Books();

ParameterExpression ParameterL = Expression.Parameter(table.GetType(), "x");

ParameterExpression Parameter1 = Expression.Parameter(table.Shipment.GetType(), "x.Shipment");
ParameterExpression Parameter2 = Expression.Parameter(table.Book.GetType(), "x.Book");

var Property1 = Expression.Property(Parameter1, "ID");
var Property2 = Expression.Property(Parameter2, "ID");

var Clause1 = Expression.Equal(Property1, Expression.Constant(1));
var Clause2 = Expression.Equal(Property2, Expression.Constant(1));

var Lambda1 = Expression.Lambda<Func<ShipmentType, bool>>(Clause1, Parameter1);
var Lambda2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<Books, bool>>(Clause2, Parameter2);

var OrElseClause = Expression.Or(Lambda1.Body, Lambda2.Body);
var Lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<BookShipment, bool>>(OrElseClause, ParameterL);

            var result = from c in styp
                         join d in book
                          on c.ID equals d.ID                         
                         select new BookShipment { Shipment = c, Book = d };

var record = result.Where(Lambda).ToList();


{System.InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression 'DbSet<ShipmentType>
        outer: DbSet<Books>, 
        inner: s => s.ID, 
        outerKeySelector: b => b.BookID, 
        innerKeySelector: (s, b) => new TransparentIdentifier<ShipmentType, Books>(
            Outer = s, 
            Inner = b
    .Where(ti => ti.Shipment.ID == 1 || ti.Book.BookID == 1)' could not be translated.

创建表达式以传递到LINQ where函数时,请遵循以下提示:

类型是Expression<Func<T,Bool>> ...




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace SoExamples.ExpressionTrees
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            var expr1 = GetExpression<Func<A, bool>>(x => x.Prop1 == 42);
            var expr2 = GetExpression<Func<A, bool>>(x => x.Prop2 == "foo");
            var expr3 = GetConstComparison<A, int>("Prop3.Prop1", 123);

            var test = new A { Prop1 = 42, Prop2 = "foo", Prop3 = new B { Prop1 = 123 } };

            var f1 = expr1.Compile();
            var t1 = f1(test);
            var f2 = expr2.Compile();
            var t2 = f2(test);
            var f3 = expr3.Compile();
            var t3 = f3(test);

            Expression tmp = Expression.AndAlso(Expression.AndAlso(expr1.Body, expr2.Body), expr3.Body);
            tmp = new ParamReplaceVisitor(expr2.Parameters.First(), expr1.Parameters.First()).Visit(tmp);
            tmp = new ParamReplaceVisitor(expr3.Parameters.First(), expr1.Parameters.First()).Visit(tmp);
            var expr4 = Expression.Lambda<Func<A, bool>>(tmp, expr1.Parameters.First());

            var f4 = expr4.Compile();
            var t4 = f4(test);

            var list = new List<A> { test };

            var result = list.AsQueryable().Where(expr4).ToList();


        static Expression<TDelegate> GetExpression<TDelegate>(Expression<TDelegate> expr)
            return expr;
        static Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetConstComparison<T, P>(string propertyNameOrPath, P value)
            ParameterExpression paramT = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
            Expression expr = getPropertyPathExpression(paramT, propertyNameOrPath.Split('.'));
            return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.Equal(expr, Expression.Constant(value)), paramT);

        private static Expression getPropertyPathExpression(Expression expr, IEnumerable<string> propertyNameOrPath)
            var mExpr = Expression.PropertyOrField(expr, propertyNameOrPath.First());
            if (propertyNameOrPath.Count() > 1)
                return getPropertyPathExpression(mExpr, propertyNameOrPath.Skip(1));
                return mExpr;

    public class ParamReplaceVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
        private ParameterExpression orig;
        private ParameterExpression replaceWith;

        public ParamReplaceVisitor(ParameterExpression orig, ParameterExpression replaceWith)
            this.orig = orig;
            this.replaceWith = replaceWith;
        protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            if (node == orig)
                return replaceWith;
            return base.VisitParameter(node);

    public class A
        public int Prop1 { get; set; }
        public string Prop2 { get; set; }
        public B Prop3 { get; set; }

    public class B
        public int Prop1 { get; set; }
